A new year, perhaps some new beginnings - not sure an end to enable them?...
Anyway, this is been something of a regular thought that keeps tossing around so thought better pen it down. By way of noting few sights that render me melancholy/pensive is those of trees - at road dividers, by a busy highway etc. covered with traffic dust. This was primarily back in India but then seldom such triggers here in London.
Except the other day on way back from office, the tree canopy by the shuttle stand, bare as they are of leafage rendered view to a plastic bag tangled in it. For some reason, it makes me reminscence of a kite entangled thus...
However, pondered further this time if it's human litter that makes be melancholy in either scenarios - the answer however was rather the 'constraint'. The lack of choice of 'moving away' from adverse after effects of anothers'(human) activity, for absolutely no fault of theirs whilst they contrarily provide nourishment(i.e. air, climate etc.).
Perhaps even in relationships of all kinds, have been so accustomed to being myself that any impositions(read improvisations) meets instant protest. Pursued to extend same to people around, to best of my understanding. I don't really contest an amalgamation/convergence in due course as a natural transition but an instant snap remedy is something can't wrap my head around. Also, don't feel there's any aberration in an alternate possibility of two personalility remaining independent(or a milder shade of entwined) with positive synnergies(in context of a relationship).
As with most things, prefer to keep things unquantifies/subconcious such that one can pretend to embrace the 'magic' of life. (Deciphering people, situation, articles etc. into features makes one judgemental or vulnerable to making comparisons - instead we should embrace warts & all - or none)
A new year, perhaps some new beginnings - not sure an end to enable them?...
Anyway, this is been something of a regular thought that keeps tossing around so thought better pen it down. By way of noting few sights that render me melancholy/pensive is those of trees - at road dividers, by a busy highway etc. covered with traffic dust. This was primarily back in India but then seldom such triggers here in London.
Except the other day on way back from office, the tree canopy by the shuttle stand, bare as they are of leafage rendered view to a plastic bag tangled in it. For some reason, it makes me reminscence of a kite entangled thus...
However, pondered further this time if it's human litter that makes be melancholy in either scenarios - the answer however was rather the 'constraint'. The lack of choice of 'moving away' from adverse after effects of anothers'(human) activity, for absolutely no fault of theirs whilst they contrarily provide nourishment(i.e. air, climate etc.).
Perhaps even in relationships of all kinds, have been so accustomed to being myself that any impositions(read improvisations) meets instant protest. Pursued to extend same to people around, to best of my understanding. I don't really contest an amalgamation/convergence in due course as a natural transition but an instant snap remedy is something can't wrap my head around. Also, don't feel there's any aberration in an alternate possibility of two personalility remaining independent(or a milder shade of entwined) with positive synnergies(in context of a relationship).
As with most things, prefer to keep things unquantifies/subconcious such that one can pretend to embrace the 'magic' of life. (Deciphering people, situation, articles etc. into features makes one judgemental or vulnerable to making comparisons - instead we should embrace warts & all - or none)